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Heat Melt Polyethylene Reinforcement Modified Bitumen Waterproof Membrane

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Heat Melt Polyethylene Reinforcement Modified Bitumen Waterproof Membrane

The product is made of polyethylene as the base, high-polymer modified bitumen glue as the coating material, and is made of waterproof material by pouring, water cooling and rolling process.
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Heat Melt Polyethylene Reinforcement Modified Bitumen Waterproof Membrane
  •  Development of hot-melt modified asphalt waterproofing membrane has a long history
  •  Widely used in domestic and abroad.


BNBM OTAi hot-melt series of modified asphalt waterproof membranes can be divided into ordinary type, root puncture resistance type, salt and alkali resistance type, road and bridge special type, decorative type, etc. according to their use functions.

  1.  YWE-200 Polyethylene Reinforcement Modified Bitumen Waterproof Membrane
  2.  YWR-411 SBS Elastomer Modified Bitumen Waterproof Membrane
  3.  YWR-511 APP Plastomer Modified Bitumen Waterproof Membrane
  4.  YWR-461 Ultra-strong Weather Resistance High Polymer Modified Bitumen Waterproof Membrane
  5.  YWR-400 Polyethylene Reinforcement Modified Bitumen Root Resistant Waterproof Membrane
  6.  YWR-421 SBS Modified Bitumen Root Resistant Waterproof Membrane
  7.  YWR-441 Composite Copper Reinforcement Root Resistant Waterproof Membrane
  8.  YWR-471 Salt-alkali Resistant Polymer Modified Bitumen Waterproof Membrane
  9.  YWR-453 Polymer Modified Bitumen Waterproof Membrane for High-speed Rail
  10.  YWR-483 SBS Modified Bitumen Waterproof Membrane for Railway and Bridge
  11.  YWR-583 APP Modified Bitumen Waterproof Membrane for Railway and Bridge
  12.  YWR-435 Stereoscopic Modified Bitumen Waterproof Membrane
  13.  MPG-401 Fiberglass Bitumen Shingle



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It widely used in domestic and abroad.


Construction Method


The hot-melt method is adopted. Before the construction, the base layer treatment agent (full-adhesive method) should be evenly applied, and then the elastic direction of the construction direction should be determined to determine the position of the coil material, and the coil material is unfolded at the position of the elastic line to release the stress. The coil is rolled from the two ends to the middle, and the hot melt adhesive of the bottom of the coil is baked with a flame spray gun, and the coil is laid from the middle to the both ends, and the paving is compacted by a press roll to remove air, so that the coil is adhered to the base layer. The knot is firm, the lap joint should overflow the hot-melt modified bitumen, and the blasted parts of the fine sand and mineral granules should be grit-treated, and the detail nodes should be additionally treated, and the lap joint and the head should be sealed. After the acceptance of the polyethylene film-coated coil material, the protective layer shall be set according to relevant specifications and design requirements.




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